Results for 'Point of View of J. Mukarovsky'

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  1. Hubert Dethier.Point of View of J. Mukarovsky - 1985 - Philosophica 36 (2):77-88.
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  2. The Critique of the Aesthetic Reason, from the Point of View of J. Mukarovsky in Aesthetic Values-General Problems.H. Dethier - 1985 - Philosophica 36:77-88.
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    The Critique of the Aesthetic Reason, from the point of View of J. Mukarovsky.Hubert Dethier - 1985 - Philosophica 36.
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  4. Scientific Progress: From the Point of View of Phenomenological Intentionality.J. Vazquez - 1996 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 186:333-343.
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    J. M. Bocheński’s Definition of the Concept of Nation. A Critique and Analysis from the Pragmatic-Logical Point of View.Piotr Michał Sękowski - 2016 - Diametros 48:89-104.
    The article offers an analysis of Józef Bocheński's studies of the concept of nation. Bocheński acknowledges that there are difficulties in defining a nation. After that he claims that he will attempt to propose a definition of the Polish nation. Nation is a social group centered around some cultural ideal. The analysis shows that Bocheński did not avoid serious logical problems. First of all, he constantly falls into a circular reasoning. Furthermore, it is called into question if it makes sense (...)
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  6. J ean -p ierre M arquis . From a geometrical point of view: A study of the history and philosophy of category theory.Molly Kao, Nicolas Fillion & John Bell - 2010 - Philosophia Mathematica 18 (2):227-234.
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    Outline of a descriptive aesthetics from a structuralist point of view.J. I. Lasaga - 1947 - Psychological Review 54 (1):9-23.
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  8. The point of view of the researcher.F. J. Varela & Pierre Vermersch - 2003 - In Natalie Depraz, Francisco J. Varela & Pierre Vermersch (eds.), On Becoming Aware: A Pragmatics of Experiencing. John Benjamins. pp. 115-154.
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    The Unmeasurability of Absolute Velocities from the Point of View of Epistemological Internalism.Joanna Luc - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (8):3309-3327.
    Absolute velocities in Newtonian mechanics are commonly regarded as unmeasurable. Roberts (Br J Philos Sci 59(2):143–168, 2008) provides a justification for this thesis which appeals to the observational indistinguishability of boost-related models of Newtonian mechanics. Middleton and Murgueitio Ramírez (Australas J Philos, 2020) criticise his argumentation by pointing out that his analysis of the notion of measurement is too restrictive, and that, under a weaker analysis (based on counterfactuals), absolute velocities are measurable. Jacobs (Australas J Philos, 2020) opposes their (...), arguing that, on a properly formulated counterfactual-based account of measurement, absolute velocities are unmeasurable. However, in his argument, observational indistinguishability plays no role, even though, intuitively, it is very relevant for the issue of (un)measurability. This paper’s aim is to bring observational indistinguishability back to this discussion. I build upon the observation that there is an analogy between possible views on knowledge and justification on the one hand, and on measurement on the other. In particular, I explore the distinction between externalist and internalist approaches. Counterfactual-based accounts are all externalist, whereas the observational indistinguishability of boost-related models becomes relevant if we are interested in an internalist concept of measurement. (shrink)
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    The Organismal Point of View in the Study of Motor and Mental Learning.J. A. Melrose - 1922 - Psychological Review 29 (5):390-405.
  11. Chapter 10 points of view.J. R. Lucas - manuscript
    x10.1 Locality Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation was always open to the complaint that it involved \Action at a Distance", contrary to the Principle of Locality. But it was very well established empirically, and had to be accepted. Similarly in contemporary quantum me- chanics we seem to have correlations between measurements that defy the Principle of Locality, but have to be accepted none the less.1 Although locality is a characteristic mark of causal con- nexion, it is not, as Hume supposed,2 (...)
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  12. Pneumatological and ontological interpretation of essential and responsible freedom as seen from the creationary and evolutionary point of view.J. Letz - 1999 - Filozofia 54 (2):73-80.
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  13. War from the Quaker Point of View.J. W. Graham - 1915 - Hibbert Journal 14:813.
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  14. Electronic Banking Services from the Point of View of Bank Customers in Palestine.Suliman A. El Talla, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance and Management Research (IJAAFMR) 3 (10):45-60.
    This study aims to identify the electronic banking services in Palestine from the point of view of the customers of the banks, where researchers used the descriptive analytical method, through a questionnaire distributed electronically to the sample of beneficiaries of the electronic banking services provided by banks operating in Palestine. The study reached a number of results, the most important of which are: There is a moderate degree of efficiency of electronic banking services provided in banks operating in (...)
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  15. From a metaphilosophical point of view a study of wv Quine's naturalism.Heikki J. Koskinen - 2004 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 74.
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    Objectivity, Method, and Point of View: Essays in the Philosophy of History.Willem J. Van der Dussen & Lionel Rubinoff (eds.) - 1991 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    The essays collected together in this volume originated with a symposium which addressed a variety of issues associated with the publications of Professor W.H. Dray in the philosophy of history. In this expanded version of the original symposium, to which Professor Dray has provided a critical response, a group of prominent philosophers and historians address the central questions posed by contemporary philosophy of history - such as, the logic and methodology of historical explanation, the selection and uses of evidence, the (...)
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    Review of Karl-Stéphan Bouthillette, Dialogue and Doxography in Indian Philosophy: Points of View in Buddhist, Jaina, and Advaita Vedānta Traditions: New York: Routledge, 2020, ISBN: 978-0-367-22613-8, hb, xii + 210pp. [REVIEW]Andrew J. Nicholson - 2021 - Sophia 60 (3):777-779.
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    Points of View Beyond Models: Towards a Formal Approach to Points of View as Access to the World. [REVIEW]Fernando Charro & Juan J. Colomina - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (2):137-151.
    According to Vázquez and Liz (Found Sci 16(4): 383–391, 2011), Points of View (PoV) can be considered in two different ways. On the one hand, they can be explained following the model of propositional attitudes. This model assumes that the internal structure of a PoV is constituted by a subject, a set of contents, and a set of relations between the subject and those contents. On the other hand, we can analyze points of view taking as a model (...)
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    Review of Paul Weingartner, Omniscience: From a Logical Point of View[REVIEW]Daniel J. Hill - 2008 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2008 (11).
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    The problem of survival from an algorithmic point of view.J. -D. Fouks & L. Signac - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 133 (1-2):87-116.
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    The epistemology of causality from the point of view of evolutionary biology.H. J. Barr - 1964 - Philosophy of Science 31 (3):286-288.
    In 1958 I set down some thoughts that arose from an attempt to consider epistemological problems on the assumptions that The biology of the human nervous system is relevant to epistemology and The human nervous system, like every other object of biological investigation, is a product of evolution by natural selection. These thoughts lay more or less neglected until they were brought stunningly to mind by Professor George Gaylord Simpson's [1] recent paper on “Biology and the Nature of Science”. In (...)
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    From the Point of View of Sport.Luther J. Binkley - 1979 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 6 (1):101-115.
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    Pragmatic reasoning from multiple points of view: A response.Keith J. Holyoak & Patricia W. Cheng - 1995 - Thinking and Reasoning 1 (4):373 – 389.
    In our response we consider several broad sets of issues raised in the commentaries on our target article. We provide an elaboration of the general theory of pragmatic reasoning schemas and of the mechanisms posited to explain pespective effects and other contextual influences on reasoning. We consider the strengths and limitations of a number of alternative proposals offered by the commentators. Finally, we discuss possible links between pragmatic schemas and more elementary “building blocks” for human reasoning.
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  24. From a Logical Point of View[REVIEW]J. J. C. Smart - 1955 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 33:45.
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    The Narrative Act: Point of View in Prose Fiction (review).David J. Depew - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (1):134-135.
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    Points of view, scientific theories and econometric models.Robert J. Wolfson - 1970 - Philosophy of Science 37 (2):249-260.
    The relationship between a class of structural forms and a single reduced form econometric model is discussed. These are shown to be empirically equivalent. It is made clear that choice of a particular structural form for estimation, rather than another of the same class, rests on a priori heuristic and computational considerations, not on empirical or logical grounds. Alternative scientific strategies are discussed briefly.
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    Can the moral point of view be justified?J. C. Thornton - 1964 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 42 (1):22-34.
    The author attempts a "correct analysis of what 'the moral point of view' is only in so far as it is necessary to do this in order to discuss the problem of its 'justification'." he discusses the views of kurt baier and philippa foot. He concludes that foot and baier have not been able to answer "the so-Called fundamental question of ethics" because it is a "pseudo-Question"; that the rationality of a decision between "moral duty and enlightened self-Interest" (...)
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  28. Living Different Enactivist Worlds: A Mathematics Education Researcher’s Point of View on Enactivism.J. Proulx - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):226-227.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Lived Experience and Cognitive Science Reappraising Enactivism’s Jonasian Turn” by Mario Villalobos & Dave Ward. Upshot: Villalobos and Ward’s distinctions between Varelian theories and Maturanian ones about anthropomorphism give rise to questions about what is or is not enactivism. This leads to recognition of an enactivist theoretical multiverse, and to embracing it as a way to advance theorizing along, and beyond, post-positivist lines.
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    A formalization of the theory of sets from the point of view of combinatory logic.Edward J. Cogan - 1955 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 1 (3):198-240.
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    Grounding from a Syntactic Point of View: A Sentential-Logical Approach.Alexander Zimmermann, Reinhard Kleinknecht & Georg J. W. Dorn - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (2):717-746.
    We define the term \a set T of sentential-logical formulae grounds a sentential-logical formula A from a syntactic point of view\ in such a way that A is a syntactic sentential-logical consequence of T, and specific additional syntactic requirements regarding T and A are fulfilled. These additional requirements are developed strictly within the syntactics of sentential-logical languages, the three most important being new, namely: to be atomically minimal, to be minimal in degree, and not to be conjunction-like. Our (...)
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    "Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View," by Immanuel Kant, trans. with an intro. and notes by Mary J. Gregor. [REVIEW]John L. Treloar - 1976 - Modern Schoolman 53 (2):220-221.
  32. The environment and the perception of reality-a physiologists point of view.J. Grayson - 1988 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 11 (4):294-308.
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  33. Logic from a metalogical point of view.J. Wolenski - 1999 - In E. Orłowska (ed.), Logic at Work. Heidelberg. pp. 25--35.
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    Urmson on Evaluation from a Point of View.J. W. Nickel - 1972 - Mind 81 (324):571 - 575.
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    Thomas Kuhn’s philosophy of science from the point of view of a contextual realism.И. Е Прись - 2023 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 20 (3):14-32.
    We establish a connection between T. Kuhn’s philosophy of science and a Wittgensteinian contextual realism, as we understand it, and interpret the basic concepts of the former in terms of the latter. In particular, we interpret the notion of a scientific paradigm in terms of the notion of a form of life. For instance, we speak of Newtonian and quantum mechanics as grammars of the corresponding forms of life. The incommensurability of paradigms is due to the adoption of different norms (...)
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    Naturalism, from a transcendental point of view.Sami Pihlström - forthcoming - Metaphilosophy.
    This essay develops a version of non‐reductive (“soft,” liberal, non‐scientistic) naturalism based on an integration of pragmatism and transcendental philosophy. In critical dialogue with philosophers such as Quine, Strawson, and McDowell, this version of naturalism, understood as an open research program, is argued to be more compelling than other (non‐transcendental) variants of non‐reductive naturalism. It is suggested that any naturalist must examine how we are able to view ourselves as elements of the natural world; accordingly, the question concerning the (...)
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    Prepositions and points of view.M. J. Cresswell - 1978 - Linguistics and Philosophy 2 (1):1 - 41.
  38. Multiperspectival Imagery: Sartre and Cognitive Theory on Point of View in Remembering and Imagining.C. J. McCarroll & J. Sutton - 2016 - In Jack Reynolds & Richard Sebold (eds.), Phenomenology and Science. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. pp. 181-204.
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    An addendum to a previous paper entitled “pathology,” from an “evolution point of view”.J. H. Meiring Beck - 1884 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 4 (1):40-44.
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  40. The bad man and the internal point of view.Scott J. Shapiro - 2000 - In Steven J. Burton (ed.), The Path of the Law and its Influence: The Legacy of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  41. Pragmatic reasoning with a point of view.Keith J. Holyoak & Patricia W. Cheng - 1995 - Thinking and Reasoning 1 (4):289 – 313.
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    (1 other version)The Meaning of the Psychical from the Point of View of the Functional Psychology. [REVIEW]Frederick J. E. Woodbridge - 1904 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 1 (14):386-387.
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    (1 other version)The Hegelian point of view.J. S. Mackenzie - 1902 - Mind 11 (41):54-71.
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    Moral 'Should's and 'Morally Should's, or, Rachels on the Moral Point of View.J. Jocelyn Trueblood - 2006 - Manuscrito 29 (1):37-70.
    In 1972 James Rachels published a challenging criticism of moral-point-of-view theories. It has never been answered. This is sur-prising, given that the species of theory to which it applies remains alive. In this paper I reply to Rachels’ criticism. My reply refers frequently to the work of G. J. Warnock and employs three distinctions that have been overlooked in the literature on moral-point-of-view theories. These dis-tinctions have relevance to more than Rachels’ paper. As shown in Sec-tion (...)
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    Points of View[REVIEW]George J. Stack - 1990 - International Studies in Philosophy 22 (1):122-123.
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    The Learner's Point of View.D. A. J. - 1909 - The Classical Review 23 (01):1-6.
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    Absolute or Relative Motion? A Study from a Machian Point of View of the Discovery and the Structure of Dynamical Theories. Volume I: The Discovery of DynamicsJulian B. Barbour.J. Brackenridge - 1991 - Isis 82 (3):540-541.
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    Formal Approach to the Metaphysics of Perspectives: Points of View as Access.Juan J. Colomina-Almiñana - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a metaphysical development of the notion of perspective. By explaining the functional nature of point of view, and by providing a concrete definition of point of view as a window through which to see the world, it offers a scientific realist theory that explains that points of view are real structures that ground properties and objects as well as perspectives. The notion of point of view has been of key importance (...)
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  49. The decision to rearm germany, the failure of the communaute-europeenne-de-defense and the Paris accords of october 23, 1954 seen from the French point-of-view[REVIEW]J. Bariety - 1993 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 71 (2):354-383.
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    The poznań school methodology of idealization and concretization from the point of view of a revised structuralist theory conception.Martti Kuokkanen - 1988 - Erkenntnis 28 (1):97 - 115.
    My thesis is that some methodological ideas of the Pozna school, i.e., the principles of idealization and concretization (factualization), and the correspondence principle can be represented rather successfully using the relations of theoretization and specialization of revised structuralism.Let n(i), t(j)> (i=1,...m, j=1,...k) denote the conceptual apparatus of a theory T, and a class M={} (i=1,...m, j=1,...k) the models of T. The n-components refer to the values of dependent variables and t-components to the values of independent variables of the theory. The (...)
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